Business Lesson #23 -- You don't know it all!

We all on any given day, live in a state of unconsciously incompetence about some topic (we don’t know what we don’t know).  Someone smarter or more experienced or older or more knowledgeable or more innovative or more thoughtful or more emotional or whatever comes along and highlights a blind spot of ours.  We now move into a new state, for that topic, called consciously incompetent (we now know we have a blind spot, but we aren’t sure how to fix it yet).   So, if we value the input and don’t have rocks in our heads (or are dead) and want to do something about it, then you do.  Ultimately moving us into a state of  consciously competent where ultimately we become unconsciously competent (where we don’t have to think about doing something – like driving the car).

Surround yourself with great people.  Take in their input.  Don’t react to- or act on- it all, but do consider it thoughtfully.  Too often, especially when we are young, we think we know it all – a gigantic example of being in a state of unconsciously incompetent.  ;-)   For those that don’t believe this is a never ending journey, it will be a long and painful one. 

Bob Fabbio